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Inspirational speakers Drs Robert and Maureen McQuillan are regular warmly welcomed guest speakers at churches as well as at business gatherings and leadership sessions. Many ministers, especially those younger, inexperienced or struggling,appreciate their ‘pastor’s heart’ to mentor. Willing to travel extensively, blessing, challenging and inspiring churches, pastors and potential leaders, they have a reputation of (if available of course) 'being willing to come along at the drop of a hat.' Their special retreats are 'Moving in the Spirit' and 'Marriage - The Real CSI!'

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Sometimes we just don’t get what we want when we’d like it! Sometimes we just have to wait. And wait…and wait! Even with a promise from God.

But there comes that moment in life when it is the time for us to boldly claim our inheritance.

No Negatives!
There was a guy called Caleb who claimed his mountain – and got it! You can read about him in the Bible, God’s great book of wisdom, encouragement and challenge to trust him fully as you dare to forge ahead.

Caleb was a real man … one of outstanding character, inner strength and courage. He was also a man of vision and forward thinking, open to new things and very loyal.

And he was quick to do whatever his boss requested or demanded…he would serve faithfully from an amazing trust in God’s word and promises. When others had doubts and couldn’t see the bigger picture and possibilities through giving in to their own fears, short-sightedness and weaknesses - and in doing so held others back from gaining ground - Caleb wouldn’t agree with defeatism, negativism and deceitful reports.

He was an encourager and wouldn’t compromise his beliefs. But because the crowd listened to the deceivers (scared spies) instead of him and his associate Joshua, they never received what had been promised to them or achieved what they could have. In fact they lost out and it would be 40 years until another generation was ready and willing to move into God’s promised land!

No Complaints!
And although he wasn’t at fault - he wouldn’t run with the weaker minded - Caleb also had to wait all that time for that worthier go-ahead generation, plus another five years before he could receive his own personal reward of faithfulness…his promise from God.

Interestingly we don’t hear of him complain in all that time. But, perhaps he did...if so, he must have done it privately to God. That’s a good principle incidentally, especially if you’re in leadership.

Maybe he was like Abraham, who had been given a promise of a son when he and his wife were rather old for kids. But believed and hung in waiting for the miracle and it happened!

Maybe Caleb was like David who groaned through his songs about so much but would end up declaring that God would bring him through because he was convinced that his Lord always could and would.

Maybe he even had a few moments of personal agony such as Jesus had in the garden of destiny when he cried out to God and was strengthened to get on with his mission from God to suffer horribly but to save all humankind in becoming our Saviour.

God’s timing and Caleb’s moment to claim came about!
In any case, there came that moment when Caleb knew the time had arrived to claim God’s promise to give him his ‘mountain’… a good piece of the promised land. You can read about it and Caleb’s character, inner strength and determination in Joshua 14:6-15; 15:13-14, especially 14:12.

‘Give me my mountain now,’ he demands, and is immediately granted the okay to go for his promised future security.

Even then he knows he can’t just move in and take it…he has three major enemies to defeat before it is fully his and peace will come! What’s his attitude? Positive of course!

A big fight is but a mere incident for this ‘old man’ in claiming his promise! He declared, ‘Hey! I’m as strong and bold as I was 45 years ago! God has given me an extended life. I’m as vigorous as ever! I can do it!’ And he does! He boldly claims his promise and swings into action to see it fulfilled. And he took his mountain!

Four Questions…
Q1: What’s the worst thing a parent can do to a child? Make a promise that isn’t kept!

God never makes a promise to any of his spiritual children that he can’t or won’t keep! Whatever God has promised you he will fulfil it. In fact, and of great comfort, when God makes a promise, the word for promise means ‘arranged.’ So as far as he‘s concerned, it’s all already been given, even if it takes a few years to come about.

Q2: What promises are you waiting for?
Perhaps now is your time to boldly claim them! Do so boldly!

Q3: Want your family blessed too?
Caleb’s very children were also blessed. Why were they all so blessed and victorious…what made the difference? Because Caleb had a different spirit (heart) from the others who feared people rather than fearing (respecting) and honouring God and his Word…it says of Caleb that he followed God wholeheartedly. Parents…influence your kids and grandkids! Secure their blessings and covering through yourself!

Q4: How did Caleb succeed?
His name means ’capable’ and in Jos. 14:12 he declares that the Lord would help him. A lot of people aren’t capable of living life because they don’t know the one who is always willing to assist them. When you accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and friend, then you have his very Spirit within.

Live the character of Caleb wholeheartedly and your middle name will be ‘capable!’ You’ll make it! As a spiritual son or daughter of God, you too will be able to boldly claim whatever he has promised you. The waiting is worth it!

Time for you to claim?
What has God promised you? Good health? Victory over rotten circumstances? New job?

A Brownlow medallist was once asked what it took to gain such a medal. He responded, ‘Knowledge, commitment and perseverance.’ He could’ve been talking about Caleb types. For it kind of says it all… doesn’t it?

If you’ve been patiently waiting and you sense that now is your moment to claim from God, then go for it! You may have a battle or two to win as you do so, but remember God’s promise is that he’s already arranged the victory for you. That’s good news!
