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Inspirational speakers Drs Robert and Maureen McQuillan are regular warmly welcomed guest speakers at churches as well as at business gatherings and leadership sessions. Many ministers, especially those younger, inexperienced or struggling,appreciate their ‘pastor’s heart’ to mentor. Willing to travel extensively, blessing, challenging and inspiring churches, pastors and potential leaders, they have a reputation of (if available of course) 'being willing to come along at the drop of a hat.' Their special retreats are 'Moving in the Spirit' and 'Marriage - The Real CSI!'

Friday, November 12, 2004

Bad News Influencers

There are two kinds of bad news Christians... those who, to quote an oldie, ‘They’re so heavenly minded that they are no earthly use!’

You know the kind…they give the impression that Jesus spends all day with them, that unless you constantly meditate on the Word and pray ‘all the time’ you won’t make it! Everything must be spiritual!

They put heavies on you and forbid you to relax, read a novel, watch TV or a movie, or simply have fun. They’re a bad influence on others who are trying to find a meaningful and fulfilling relationship with a caring father-figure God who has given the gift of an adventurous life.

The other kind is those who blame the devil on everything. Okay…Satan does get in the way at times, he does come against Christians and the church, especially when we are upsetting his devious plans, but often as not these folk are lost in a self-induced or satanic deception that gives glory to the devil whereas they should be turning fully to Jesus and allowing him to bring them through whatever the challenge, problem or tragedy may be.

You know that kind too… they see the devil in everything! ‘Don’t wear that brooch – it symbolises Satan.’ ‘Oh you can’t have that colour - it a devil colour.’ ‘The devil gave a hard time this week’ when all the while it was their own fault that caused the heartache, headache or problem.

The first kind constantly repeats the old Pharisee mistake of being overtly ‘religious.’ Worse still, they want to bind everyone else under ‘law’ along with themselves.’ In outworking, they would stop you from enjoying your relationship with the Lord. Jesus doesn’t want us being spiritual freaks! Rather he wants us to relax and enjoy life to the full.

What sort of god wouldn’t rejoice in our enjoyment in life? A miserable one! But no, our God is one of joy and laughter who delights when he sees his kids relaxing, being themselves and enjoying life.

Of course, we are meant to live a wholesome life, not yielding to the things of the flesh. He’s given us his Holy Spirit to help us and to keep us right - as we read and listen to his instructions. But he doesn’t want us being spiritual weirdos or little robots! Some Christians need to cut loose, to loosen up and get real!

In the first case, ‘Christians under law’ have a wrong picture of God...they only see him as a heavy-handed God who deals in wrath. Paul said the letter of the law kills but the Spirit gives life. That we’re under a covenant of life through the Eternal Spirit (2 Cor.3: 6,11).

God’s the God of love who quickly forgives and wants us to live free from very human–originated bondage and religious law. To live in the freedom of what his Word really says. After all, Jesus did state that he had come to set us free and to give us life more abundantly (Joh. 8:36, 10:10). Let’s believe it and live in it. And not force bondages on others.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Refuse to Live There!

A lot of people – even Christians who are supposed to positive in every situation – seem to foolishly delight in living in the past! Yet Christians are meant to be people of the present creating - with the Holy Spirit's help - a great future. Grabbing hold of the biblical promise of Jeremiah 29:11 and living life to the full. Getting on with life.

All too often we allow the mistakes and the bad-case scenarios of yesteryear to bind us today from enjoying life and ‘moving on.'

Refuse to live there! Move on!

Truth is that we've all made errors of judgment both in speech and action – including some things we're ashamed of – one of the beauties about being a Christian is that when we ask forgiveness we're totally forgiven and can ‘get a life.'

The Bible has several examples of people who blew it but they rose up and move on. One I've been looking at recently is the prodigal son. He came to his senses and in Luke 15:18 determined ‘I will get up and go…' He then rose up out of the pigsty and made for the only one who could help him re-establish and gain a better future – his father. Things worked out fantastically for the guy! It all speaks to us of the confidence we can have in the heavenly Father - God himself who cares so much for everyone.

Another classic is King David who succumbed to the lusts of the flesh and has an extramarital affair with the beautiful Bathsheba. Some of you will remember the story...she gets pregnant, David tries everything to cover his guilt, even having her husband Uriah set up to be murdered.

But…truth always comes out. An ashamed David marries the widow but their child comes down with a fatal illness. 2 Samuel 12 describes David's hitting the ground, fasting and praying for the baby. It's to no avail and God mercifully takes the child. But when David realises the baby is dead he arises, cleans up, changes from mourning clothes, worships God and asks for food (v19-20). His servants ask, ‘Why the change?' and he simply explains that he's moving on (v21-23).

Note the wording of v20, 'David got up … .' He rose and moved on!

To change your circumstances you need to get up and out of whatever is binding you or you're wrongly holding on to and move on into a future of hope and confidence in God!

Let go of the past. We can be our own worst enemy by holding onto it or burying ourselves in it or not letting go.

You probably know some people who keep talking about the past (even the good things that can bind and stop them from moving into fresh experiences for today!). Move into a better lifestyle.

One of the greatest declarations of Jesus was his dramatic statement of John 8:36 that he's made us free! He also said that 'God is the God of the living not the dead' (Matthew12: 27). Believe these words of God! If you're living in the past then you bound to it and living among the dead!

Think of the various New Testament people with needs – Mark relates the miracle turnaround of the blind, the lepers, the demon-possessed, the sick woman of Chapter 5 verse 25. All were in a kind of pigsty or downer situation, all decide to rise up and go (or were brought by caring friends or parent) to Jesus the one who changes circumstances.

William James (1842-1910) said, 'The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.'

Maybe that's what you need to do today - rise up and determine to meet Jesus in a life-changing encounter that will result in a new future for you. There's always hope in Jesus! Just refuse to live in the past!