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Inspirational speakers Drs Robert and Maureen McQuillan are regular warmly welcomed guest speakers at churches as well as at business gatherings and leadership sessions. Many ministers, especially those younger, inexperienced or struggling,appreciate their ‘pastor’s heart’ to mentor. Willing to travel extensively, blessing, challenging and inspiring churches, pastors and potential leaders, they have a reputation of (if available of course) 'being willing to come along at the drop of a hat.' Their special retreats are 'Moving in the Spirit' and 'Marriage - The Real CSI!'

Monday, December 19, 2011

His Name is Jesus, not Geez!

For years one has been hearing the exclamation, ‘Geez!’ or ‘Jeez!’ - even from Christians.

It’s a popular in-thing seemingly denoting surprise or amazement. But in fact it’s a diminutive of ‘Jesus’ and therefore a subtle form of swearing. We’re used to the Lord’s name being taken in vain in public, movies and TV but it’s bad to hear Christians, especially church leaders, casually using this abbreviation publically.

Check a dictionary or better still, the web, and you’ll find that ‘Geez’ and ‘Jeez’ are defined as ‘Used to express mild surprise, delight, dissatisfaction, annoyance, and a shortening and alteration of Jesus.’ 

Jesus is a name to be revered!
Christians believe Philippians 2:9 that states clearly Jesus is the name above all names, that one day the whole earth will bow before the one who owns that name, that in that name demons flee, prayers are answered and miracles happen.

When one is sick, for example, one calls on the name of Jesus and, recognising and acknowledging that this name is far above the name of the illness, claims healing and expects to receive it. It’s the same with other difficulties in life... finances, job needs, marriage problems, church difficulties. We use the powerful anointing that’s in the name of Jesus and we repeatedly get results.

Therefore every Christian must be so careful how the word Jesus is used, that it is honoured not derided! We must recognise the tag ‘name’ indicates ‘character’ and authority.’

When we use the name of Jesus we’re calling on his authority to meet needs, to intercede or intervene in the circumstances we’re bringing before God in prayer. Let’s honour that name not belittle it.

Christmas, not Xmas!
Over the centuries the celebratory term Christmas has been reduced to Xmas, supposedly to accommodate limited advertising space or simply for cuteness or through unquestioned habit.

On the web you’ll even find ‘Christian reasons’ stated for doing so, such as quoting the usage of the labarum Chi Rho, an early Christian symbol representing the name of Christ. But you’ll also find a quote from evangelist Franklin Graham: ‘For us as Christians, this is one of the most holy of the holidays, the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ. For people to take Christ out of Christmas... happy to say Merry Xmas, let's just take Jesus out - Really, I think, (it’s) a war against the name of Jesus Christ.’  

Christmas is meant to be a great joyous time of festivities of fun, fellowship and family. But we must honour Jesus Christ above all else. In doing so, let us remember that X is also a mark, one that is used for cancelling out. If X is to used in connection with the word Christmas it should be used as a cross, reminding us of the real reason the Son of God came to earth – to die on Calvary’s cross, not to be cancelled out!

Abbreviating is a habit

Like those annoying and off-putting ‘You knows’, ‘You know what I means’, ‘Ums’, ‘Ahs’ and ‘Ers’ that careless preachers and speakers use, abbreviating names is a bad habit that needs correcting.

Even I have to correct myself in such matters. Oh, not in respect of the exalted name of Jesus but in little things such as shortcutting certain words while typing. And I could probably make an excuse by saying ‘Well, even the great CS Lewis did such things in his letters to people.’ But, really, there is no excuse for people in the public eye.

To me (Robert), a most annoying habit is the abbreviating of first names. Personally I would never consider doing so unless I was requested and permitted to do so. For countless years when I’ve introduced myself as ‘Robert’ the immediate response has been either ‘Hi, Rob’ or ‘Hi, Bob.’ I do not hesitate but quickly point out, ‘No, it’s Robert, not Rob or Bob’ and endeavour to set the record straight.

But this is not about ‘My name is Robert, not Rob or Bob.’ No, it’s about drawing attention to the great truth that if our precious Saviour were to write this, he’d write ‘My name is Jesus, not Geez or Jeez.’

In Matthew 1:20-21, we learn that Joseph was to take Mary home as his wife. This meant that he would become her protector. This young carpenter, simply but powerfully described as ‘a righteous man, was also told that Mary would have a son by a miracle and he was to call the boy Jesus for he would become the Saviour of the world. Jesus...not Geez or Jeez! Today we should be protectors of the name of the one Mary bore.

Joseph carried out heaven’s direction to the letter. In his case ‘letters’ not an abbreviation.  Jesus is the name our Saviour was referred to throughout Never Geez or Jeez! Even when the so-called religious leaders of the day wanted to slur his name they used the derogatory term ‘this fellow.’

The need to be wise
A few years back some Christians began to loosely use certain words in their conversation with non-Christians. Afterall, they wrongly reasoned, it was the cool thing to do. But, really, it wasn’t right and removed a major difference between saved and unsaved people.In would slip ‘damn’ and ‘damnation’ as well as ‘hell.’ Such expressions, when properly understood, relate to the endless eternal condition of every human that hasn’t accepted God’s ‘Christmas gift’ of a Saviour – Jesus!  

Today we hear the regularly repeated TV shows expressions of ‘Oh my God!’ or even just ‘My God!’ or ‘O God’ coming from the lips of Christians. Sadly we hear some Christians loosely using these exclamations.  Include ‘Geez’ or ‘Jeez’ and it should tell us that it’s time to make some important adjustments to one’s vocabulary.

In honouring Jesus this Christmas, let’s enjoy the season and give thanks to God for its real reason - his amazing gift to all humankind of a Saviour. But let’s also be determined that from here on we will always remember that the name of Jesus is very special and is always to be honoured. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Mulberry Tree Rustling

Decades ago, we used to sing a sprightly little chorus: The move is on, I know; the move is on. \ The move is on, I know; the move is on. I can hear the rustling in the mulberry trees, \ And I know, I know, I know the move is on. So move on, Brothers; move on, Sisters; \ This is the moving day. \ Move a little closer to where the stream is flowing; \ Move on, Brother; move on.

Probably only remembered now by ‘old timers of the faith’ but popular in its day, it was taken from 1 Chronicles. 14:15, where God confirms that he’s going ahead of his people defeating their enemies. The Message version puts it very interestingly: ‘When you hear a sound like shuffling feet in the tops of the balsams (mulberry trees), attack; God will be two steps ahead of you, slaughtering the Philistines.’

Confidence in a mighty God
Wow! That’s a great scripture for any Christian going through times of uncertainty, trial and testing, or decision making. Those times when we need to hear a quiet assurance from God that he is in charge and is not only with us but going before us defeating all our enemies – whatever they may be...sickness, finance, employment, home moving, ministry, family, critics.

Mulberry trees represent crying, weeping before God for a successful future. There are Christians especially church leaders who will testify that there were times when tears were shed before the Lord before the breakthroughs occurred. Then, suddenly, there was a definite movement ‘in the trees’ and the move (whatever it was, however it worked out) was on!

So mulberry trees, especially ‘movement in them’ also represents victory through a moving forward, something that God is always wanting his people to be doing and trusting him as they do. The fact is that if we stand still or sit still in our comfort zone; we become spiritually complacent and lazy, and don’t grow in Christ.

Be in it to win it!
As the old saying goes…Be in it to win it! We need to be aware of what’s going down in the kingdom life and of what God wants of us. And to be involved! One of the great tragedies of Israel was that they so often missed out on what God was doing! They didn’t get involved, they were unaware at times, they put other things first…homes, businesses and self before the building of the house of the Lord (see Haggai 1 for example).

Consequently they kept missing the shekhinah  glory of the peace of God and other blessings. And they would whinge and complain! As Solomon observed, ‘Is anything new?’

But praise God, around Christendom today there are ‘different folks with different strokes’…full-on committed people who, more than ever before, not only hear from the Holy Spirit but are willing to obey and move on into new areas, pleasing God and blessing others.

As we exercise Proverbs 3:5 (Message): ‘Trust the Lord from the bottom of your heart: don’t try to figure out everything on your own,’ a solid, confessable assurance comes and we just know that we can trust God to take care of everything, no matter how hopeless or difficult the situation seems, or what ‘experts’ say against the chances of success.

Against the odds
Here’s a recent personal example. We’d been led by the Lord to move location and to purchase land closer to a regional bypass which will make it much easier in getting to our state capital for ministry engagements, reducing travelling time by 20 minutes. But this required selling our home at a required price and trusting God that it would all happen.

Real estate agents were rather negative regarding the timing to sell and the price we knew our home was worth. But, we knew that we had heard from the Lord and trusted him completely. Some time went by and friends expressed their concern. We didn’t worry one iota! We ‘knew that we knew that we knew’ the right buyer - one couple only - would come along at God’s right moment, fall in love with our home and price would be no problem. And that’s exactly what happened.

The next step was to find the right rental as we can’t build on our new land for some months. Again people were concerned for us as time was getting closer and closer to settlement date when we had to vacate the sold home. Once again we were not worried as we were embracing the Proverbs scripture above in respect of the right rental, area, rate and timing. And, against the odds, it happened just as we had prayed.

This was, of course, a very practical matter. But over the decades the principle has operated in many areas of our life, especially in ministry and moving on in God. Many times we heard ‘a rustling in the mulberry trees’ and knew that God, through his Holy Spirit, was calling us on to new territory and new ministry where streams of the water of the supernatural of God were flowing. And, as that old chorus urges, we wanted to be closer (And still do!)

Expect a great future
Embracing Proverbs 3:5, trusting God in everything (large or small, ministry or simply general life matters themselves), relying totally on him no matter how large the difficulties, obstacles and enemies, and being obedient will always guarantee his approval, pleasure and supernatural assistance.

2011 will soon be over. Personally we have seen God accomplish much for us this year as we’ve been obedient to his ‘still small voice.’ But the year isn’t over yet and we look forward to continuing to receive his blessings as we listen, be aware what he wants accomplished and obey. We also look forward in anticipation to following Jesus Christ in an exciting 2012!

May it be likewise for you too as you trust God in everything and grow in your faith. Remember... as you do so, ‘God will be two steps ahead of you, slaughtering the Philistines’ – overcoming enemies and obstacles on your behalf because you’re pleasing him. And, oh yes, maybe you too have to shed a few tears some times, but joy will follow as you really trust.

2010.11. (c) Life Focus.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ancient Ways for End Time Days

Sukkot , Feast of Booths or Feast of Tabernacles, is a biblical holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the month of Tishri  - late September to late October – after the grape harvest (Lev. 23:34). One of three mandated festivals, it required Jews to make a pilgrimage to the temple in Jerusalem.  

Booths were walled structures covered with a plant material such as leafy tree overgrowth or palm leaves. The intention was that these would be a reminder of the fragile dwellings the Israelites dwelt in during their 40 years in the desert after the  Exodus. Throughout the holiday, meals were eaten inside and many slept there.

This Feast of Tabernacles was the most joyous of Israel’s feasts, a yearly gathering to worship the king of kings. Indeed, it was the feast of the harvest in the seventh month and Israel was commanded to bring their offerings and rejoice in booths for seven days. One day during this time was very special, a most solemn day, the Day of Atonement and Israel greatly rejoiced that their sins had been covered.

This year saw over 6,000 Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem to celebrate Sukkot.  Different messianic Jews groups either going there, or gathering around the world, for conferences had various themes such as A Light Unto the Nations and A Praise to the Earth.

Two that caught our eye were It’s Harvest Time! and Ancient Ways for End Time Days.

The link
Yes, it’s quite a journey of enlightenment to visit Jerusalem and Israel at anytime  but as Christians we can rejoice any time, anywhere over our forgiveness of sin, our rescue from Satan and our exodus from our captivity in his kingdom. We simply lift our heart and mind and hands wherever we are and give the Lord thanks for all that he has done for us.

It is good to remember that all the feasts were types of the coming and the work of the Messiah. Regarding atonement, we wholeheartedly rejoice that Jesus entered the heavens as our high priest to make atonement for our sins. We now rejoice in his great messianic work – salvation for all, just not Jews.

One of the most interesting scriptures mentioning the Feast of Tabernacles is in John 7. It is the time of Jesus’ third and final trip to the Jewish capital, some six months before his crucifixion.

The last day of the feast was regarded as the greatest (John 7:37), when sacrifices were offered, booths were joyously dismantled and the people repeatedly sang the hallel (Pss. 113-118). There was also the special water pouring ceremony on this climactic day.

As the people pack up and the reminders of ancient ways and the joy of the feast including the yearly once-only water pouring begin to fade into memory, an amazing thing happened. Jesus stood up and invited those who believed in him to receive an endless supply of life-giving water, which includes the Holy Spirit. As the Message Bible puts John 7:37: ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way.’

Zechariah 14:16-17 warns that if the feast of Tabernacles was not attended, then there would be no rain so adequate rainfall was expected by the faithful. Water had been associated with the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (see Isa.44:3; Eze. 36:25-27: Joel 2:28). Jesus’ proclamation promised the Holy Spirit in a personal overwhelming way with himself as the agent after Calvary.

What a surprise this would have been to those about to return home. No wonder many responded by calling him a prophet and the Messiah (V41). Many returned at dawn to be taught further (8:1-2). And as he did so he again linked the Feast of Tabernacles with his God-given mission... of being the light of the world (John 8:12). On the last day of that popular feast not only was there the water-pouring rite but also the lights ceremony. Torches had been lit before the happy gathering.

Jesus was linking himself with the deeper meaning of this festival for he was the true light of the world and soon would be its Saviour. Then, after he was glorified, the Holy Spirit would be available to all who believed in him.

Time for old truths to be fired afresh!
No, we’re not, as some would have it, expecting Bible balanced Christians to start celebrating Jewish Torah laws! That would be foolishness and entering into the dangers that the writer of Hebrews warns about, when many early church Christians were in peril of slipping back into sanctimonious, pharisaical bondage. That author strongly cautioned:It's crucial that we keep a firm grip on what we've heard so that we don't drift off.’

But we would urge, in this day of opportunity - a time of world troubles and a day when many feel we are in the last days, the end times - to witness Jesus to those who need Christ. To remind a godless society that the ancient ways, taught in the Bible and honoured by our ancestors, are good ways, wholesome and reliable.

And to remind Christians who have returned to the ease of home as it were, that Jesus has already accomplished everything on our behalf, that we don’t have to keep laws and ordinances that were established for Israel, a nation that had just been released from slavery, nor do we have to live up to anything that Jesus never intended for Christians. We are free in Christ!

If anything, the Feast of Tabernacles is a good reminder of the grape harvest. Grapes speak of wine yet another symbol of the Holy Spirit. Most importantly, harvest speaks of the need to reap lost souls for Jesus. This harvest is ever before us and we must take the opportunities God drops before us.

The pilgrimage for today
Let’s make a pilgrimage to our churches or prayer closets; praise God for all that Jesus has done for us in becoming our Saviour in forgiving our sins and availing us of the power of the Holy Spirit. Then ask him to help us witness him to the unsaved.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Text out of Context is a Pretext!

There’s always something that sticks in one’s mind when a great preacher declares something profound. Personally we will never forget the above, made decades ago by an outstanding pioneer of Pentecostal truths.

For me (Robert) it linked perfectly with scriptures the Holy Spirit had burned into my heart three years previous when out-of-the-blue he spoke to my spirit. When he had stunned me by saying clearly that he would use us both to teach God’s word simply but in-depth, challenging Christians and leaders to understand what scripture is really saying, not what they think or suppose, or some ‘new voice’ declares as being ‘the latest thing in God.’

We refer, of course, to 1 and 2 Timothy. The Lord strongly impressed on us to deeply study these two books, to wholeheartedly devour Paul’s warnings about end time lack of hunger for truth in Christians and churches.

Spiritual junk food
In particular, he influenced me about a coming lack of desire for God’s word, a careless Christianity, and burned 1 Tim. 4.7 into my heart: ‘Stay clear of silly stories that get dressed up as religion’ and especially 2 Tim.4:2-4, ‘Challenge, warn, and urge your people. Don't ever quit. Just keep it simple. You're going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food - catchy opinions that tickle their fancy. They'll turn their backs on truth and chase mirages.’

Sadly over the years many Christians have done just that – ran after ‘the latest thing’ and in many cases have been deceived because they themselves haven’t taken time to read and study the word of God. They have fallen for weird so-called doctrines, have not sought a sound Bible-based shepherd’s guidance and have got caught up in wackiness. Unfortunately many end up totally confused and losing a grip on their faith.

Old chestnuts keep coming round... false end time predictions such as Harold Camping’s Judgment Day and Rapture date of May 21quickly followed by a ‘Sorry, it’s October 21.’ And what about last year’s ‘Want the anointing and a miracle? Then join in and do the Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey’? (US version of Hokey Kokey)

The latest we’ve heard about that is causing much confusion and has already led to some losing their faith through going back into worldliness? A wrong teaching about God’s grace.

A current deceit
For decades there’s been a saying: Weird church stuff soon filters from America to other western countries. Sad but true. But even sadder is this...because of wrong teaching and a lack of biblical knowledge among Christians and church leaders, Satan, that old wolf in sheep’s clothing is able to sneak in with destructive corrupted ‘doctrine’ and bamboozle uninitiated ministers and churchgoers alike.

Thank God for great balanced revelatory teachings by anointed preachers that have come from the States over the years but a current one is dangerous! The latest erroneous teaching going around stupidly states that once a person accepts Christ as Saviour they are so under God’s grace they are free to do whatever they want and never have to repent again!

Some naive Christians have foolishly embraced this false teaching. They’ve been told it’s all right to be worldly, have extramarital relationships, smoke, booze and just enjoy life to the full. And ‘Don’t worry – you’re under grace. You don’t have to ever apologise to God or ever repent again. God will overlook everything because you’re under grace.’ More like being under a spell!

Without God’s grace we would really be lost. We’d be condemned by God virtually every day because of wrong thoughts that slip in never mind wrong actions and words spoken in haste, as even the noblest but most honest leader will admit.

The grace of God is so precious. The only WTC Tower 2 actual impact zone survivor, Stanley Praimnath acknowledges God’s grace preserving his life. That’s scriptural, but one aspect of God’s incredible grace. (See ASSIST News Service's September article by Mark Ellis). In respect to grace and forgiveness of sins we must never trifle with scriptures and make them read as we want them to read! They become texts out of context and therefore pretexts!

An old deception
As our good friend Dr Jim McClure says: ‘Such false teaching is a result of “easigesis”, that is, reading one’s own ideas into the biblical text, rather than exegesis, that is, understanding what the text actually says!’

Bible college students, indeed anyone who has studied the Bible know that exegesis means seeking the correct explanation of scripture. Really understanding doctrine, linking and balancing relevant passages and verses before trying to expound that subject. It’s no wonder James warned in James 3:1 ‘Not many of you should presume to be teachers...because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.’

Unfortunately some Christians have been grievously deceived and wandered away from biblical truth through erroneous grace teaching. We can only pray that some friend, soundly balanced in the word, will come alongside and patiently help them back to reality and that they’ll find a church with a quality teaching ministry.

Incidentally this current wrong teaching is not some new ‘latest in-thing’ but one that goes back to the days of the early church and became known as Antinomianism.

We must always ask forgiveness!
The Bible assures us that yes, we are definitely under grace and our sins past, present and future are truly covered by grace. But it also tells me that we’re still only sinners saved by grace and we cannot afford to go on breaking God’s laws! Paul strongly warns in Romans 6:1-2: 'Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?' 

The Message Bible puts it this way: ‘So what do we do? Keep on sinning so God can keep on forgiving? I should hope not! If we've left the country where sin is sovereign, how can we still live in our old house there?’

John warns us that sinning is living dangerously before God (1 John 3:4). That if we claim we’re free of sin we’re only fooling ourselves - ‘a claim that is errant nonsense’ (1:8) but, verse 9, ‘On the other hand, if we admit our sins - make a clean breast of them - he won't let us down; he'll be true to himself. He'll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing.’ It’s so clear: If we sin we have to admit it and ask forgiveness afresh!

May every Christian be on guard lest any heresy slips in. Jim McClure’s scholarly new book Grace Revisited is recommended (Email jbmcclure@gmail.com). Discover what grace is really is. Note especially chapter 7!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Adding zeroes or trusting a theocratic God?

The money crisis continues around the world and even many Christians are unsure where they stand financially. Tithing and donating to churches and genuine Christian ministries continue to be on a downturn unfortunately due a lack of trust in the dollar, governments and, sadly, the word of God.

We remember a couple of years back when the crisis burst on the world scene so many people were so unsure about their tomorrows.

We’re meant to trust the Lord!
Wherever we ministered, we would say: ‘Yes, things may seem bad here and in other nations. But the real truth for Christians is that we are not under our nation’s economy, nor the world’s economy... we’re under God’s economy. Let’s trust him and keep honouring his church and others with our finance and generosity, and he will look after us. Be generous to your church and other Christians and God, who is so generous himself, will look after us and bless us.’

We’ve operated this godly, biblical principle ourselves and we have never felt disadvantaged personally. Nor have others who did – and still do – what we recommended from the word!

Then, this month, another ‘big scare’ hit the world scene. We’ve just been shocked at the big American almost 15 trillion dollar one that is still having adverse effects. TV news talks of ‘further dipping’, ‘expanding downturn’, ‘return of the 30’s depression’ and ‘Is China going to become the new America, dollar power-wise?’ and so on.

Scary piles of $100 dollars bills images!
(See YouTube http://usdebt.kleptocracy.us/)

$1 million dollars ($1,000,000 of $100 dollar bills)

$1 trillion! ($1,000,000,000,000 of $100 dollar bills)

But the image below of $100 bills is really scary! It's said to represent the incredible figure that arose from America's August 'refinancing answer.'  Almost a staggering 15 trillion dollars! ($15,000,000,000,000)!

Someone has quipped, ‘Even the Statue of Liberty looks so worried at America’s incredible, unpayable debt.’

The proverbial ostrich in action?
Evidently if the American government doesn’t really fix its budget, then by Christmas this year the US national debt (credit card bill) will topple 15 trillion, passing 20% of the entire world’s combined GPD!

So what was America’s answer to its crisis? Extend its current loan! A sort of ostrich tactic of burying one’s head in the sand.

It was no wonder that as Maureen shared at a church recently on the August scare and how it is still affecting the whole world, she jokingly said, ‘Following America’s response, I have the answer to every debt owed. Simply add some more zeroes to any existing amount and forget about it for it’ll go away! Well...that is until in just a little while the crisis will become an even bigger one!’ She was applauded.

But, aware of not only people’s financial concerns, but also about terrorism, the recent London troubles, lack of trust in governments, people, certain church leaders, earthquakes and the big ‘Where is God? ‘question, Maureen went on to share from Habakkuk.

Where is out trust – really?
A prophet for our day, Habakkuk understood that God’s own people can’t see that he is still in charge in the midst of every world ‘apparent’ disaster! In an oracle (supernatural word) God says that he knows what his own people, never mind secular individuals, are thinking: ‘How long do I have to cry out for help before you listen?’ (Hab. 1:2). In other words, people love to blame God, not themselves.

An imminent and highly intelligent economist, a professor, recently said the financial trouble countries are in didn’t happen overnight. That it’s the result of ‘40 years of careless personal management!’

Maureen went on to say that God always knows what’s going down. That through Habakkuk he gives an unexpected answer to our questions when he proclaims: ‘Look at the nations and watch – be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told’ (Hab.1: 5).

And we surely live in such frightening days when people are wondering ‘What’s next? What about this nation and that one? Who or what can I trust? How long before the next big money crash?’

Habakkuk’s writings spell out that God has allowed things to go wrong (wrong in our eyes) so that he gets our attention. That today God is challenging Christians regarding where our trust really is – dubious financial gain, governments, so-called prophecies or in a theocratic God (government by God) and the promises of his word?

Today God is encouraging us to really do what we’re meant to...’Live by faith’ (Hab. 2:4). The Message Bible puts it this way: ‘The person in right standing before God through loyal and steady believing is fully alive, really alive.’ Verse 5 lays it on the line regarding trusting false worldly financial security: ‘Note well: Money deceives.’

Habakkuk’s answer to troubled times
The prophet lived in a day of complaints, bewilderment, aggression and God being accused of everything that was ‘going wrong.’ But he refused to stay there. He waited, listened and prayed. And he was convinced that believing in God, and trusting him fully, is the only way to being at rest to enjoy a world under God’s sovereignty. That no matter what is going wrong; every detail of our life is worked into something good for us by the God because he loves us so much.

No wonder Habakkuk could wrap his book up by powerfully declaring: ‘Though the cherry trees don’t blossom and the strawberries don’t ripen, though the apples are worm-eaten and the wheat fields are stunted, though the sheep pens are sheepless and the cattle barns are empty, I’m singing joyful praise to God. I’m turning cartwheels of joy to my Saviour God. Counting on God’s rule to prevail, I take heart and gain strength’ (3:17-19).

The link with the Hebrews’ message of God’s rest
Maureen wrapped up her encouraging message this way...’But of course we have to want to enter into such a worriless, anxiety-free life of rest, such as the writer of Hebrews talks about (Heb. 4:9-10). Verse 16 urges us to “Approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”’

A timely word indeed for all Christians, in right standing before God through Christ’s Calvary sacrifice, and who wish to be at rest today under God’s loving theocratic government!

Monday, July 11, 2011

The BIG golden 50...Creating a Living Fairytale!

July 7 was an important day for us! Why? We celebrated the big golden one - our 50th wedding anniversary - and are  still receiving numerous congratulations around the world via email, phone, SMS, face-to-face, Skype and Facebook.
We particularly liked what our Chinese friend Winston Lee so graciously emailed: ‘Wow! In a day of troubled ‘contemporary’ marriages, you have created a living fairytale!Loved that!

Marriage, like life, has often been called a journey. It certainly is...one of adventure, discovery, romance, excitement, challenges, dangers, decisions and great joy. All these things – and more – can only be encountered and worked through by a couple who are not only in love but remain committed to each other no matter what darkness comes their way.

Commitment ... that’s a word involving obligation, liability, duty, responsibility and ‘giving one’s trust to.’ Unfortunately it’s a major that’s been missing in ministry, businesses, relationships as well as church life and marriages for many years now.

The ‘old’ traditional wedding vow strongly emphasised a commitment based on a not-meant-to-be-broken pledge given willingly by each of the couple, along the lines of...                                                                                                                                                                ‘I take you to have and to hold from this day forward; to share my life and make my home with you for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. Before God and these witnesses, I pledge you my honour and faithfulness.’     
 There was no thought of ‘Oh, let’s give this a try for a few months or even a few years. If it doesn’t work out, we can get a    divorce. And, anyway, we can always play around while we’re giving marriage a go.’ No, it was, and is, a long-term agreement.

Fairytales are regarded as only great little stories for kids to believe in and relax with, not real, just tales of imaginary people, ‘beings’ and happenings and highly improbable accounts.

Can ‘fairytale’ marriages become real, strong, vital and lasting? Yes! How? Without going into a marriage session, let’s just say by embracing these      21 Commitment Principles!                                                                                                                       Always...
  1. Honour the Lord and his business and each other.         
  2. Draw on the Spirit’s wisdom and guidance.         
  3. Acknowledge God in everything, both large and small.    
  4. Place Christ in charge of the marriage and each other lives.      
  5. Pray together and commit each new day to God.     
  6. Hand every good project as well as difficulty over to God. 
  7. Work through sickness and financial distress with trust in God.       
  8. Make valley decisions together, not alone.                
  9. Share all things openly, quietly and patiently talking matters through.   
  10. Priortise each other first, before personal ambitions.                 
  11. Rush to forgive and forget, no matter what’s gone wrong.              
  12. Promptly say ‘Thanks’ when something nice has been done.               
  13. Understand, comfort and love meaningfully when trouble hits. 
  14. Refuse to criticise and pull down. 
  15. Uplift, support and encourage regularly!  
  16. Meet each other’s deepest need, willingly and readily. 
  17. Dream boldly in God for all the tomorrows.  
  18. Allow generosity to control the pocketbook.  
  19. Exercise selfless love, respect, admiration, and honour!  
  20. Build a mind and heart appeal relationship, not just sexual. 
  21. Remain romantic and only have eyes for each other.        
Satan, our enemy, is out to destroy marriages, especially where he sees a couple on-fire in ministry for God. He’ll cunningly move to break such marriages (and has done so in recent years). And, unfortunately, some couples, never mind the devil and life itself, seem to be their own worst enemies and they themselves ruin their marriage!   
Married couples have a responsibility to each other to look out for lurking dangers and to uncover hidden snares. To pray together, trust each other and above all trust God in everything. To believe that God has a great plan for their life together no matter what comes against them. To love deeply. And to know that they can overcome all of life’s cruel curves and satanic attacks, deceptions and tricks.

Okay, we keep hearing marriage jokes from guys. Such as zany Groucho Marx who quipped, ‘I was married by a judge but I should have asked for the jury’s verdict!’

But what about the ladies? One placed an ad which ran: ‘Wanted: Husband.’  She got thousands of replies each reading: ’You can have mine!’

And the classic wrong view of marriage: ‘Married life is very frustrating. In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, they both speak and the neighbours listen!’

It’s no wonder that when we run our fun Marriage Encounter Evenings we call them Marriage – the real CSI!

Yes, sometimes some sorting out and adjusting has to be done for the journey to continue. But, seriously, a God-centred marriage can work and endure if it’s built on an understanding the Hebrew of the Genesis 2:24 ‘leaving and cleaving.’ Love is a verb and these two verbs carry the meaning of committing ... forsaking all others and personal desires and tightly adhering to each other as if by using some powerful superglue.

Yes, we’re 50 years married. It hasn’t always been easy – even fairytales have their stresses, adversities, giant enemies and bad moments. But we have a great God and have faith in him and each other. We’re moving ahead on our journey!

Gold is symbolic of a 50 year anniversary. It also speaks of God, his deity, our faith in him, his divine nature and glory (Acts 17:29; Rev. 3:18; 1 Pet.1:7). Any successful marriage will always allow a golden God to be its golden centre.

Fifty is symbolic of Pentecost, freedom, jubilee (Exo. 26:5, 8: Lev. 23: 25: 25: 10-11; Num. 8:25; 1 Kgs. 18:4, 13: 2 Kgs. 2:7; Acts 2:1-4). Also the result of perfect consummation, or fulfilment, of time. We are jubilant that we reached 50 years in this special freedom called marriage.   But it’s only the beginning. We’re moving ahead!

By making God the head of the marriage, a couple are preciously united for life’s time span. Loneliness is no more; goals can be set together and worked toward in freedom. Committed couples can really discover each other, help one another and achieve many new things together. They can learn to love more deeply, be open, build each other up, forgive and forget when all upsets occur, and, most importantly, grow together caring deeply. 

Our prayer is that every married couple will enjoy their life together as they respect each other, follow Jesus and keep falling in love over and over again.

Let the journey be a rich one! 

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Pentecost Fire - Steps to Success

Recently we saw a clip of Dennis Balcombe’s Revival Chinese Ministries International’s missionary success in Earth’s largest nation.

Decades ago committed pioneers such as Hudson Taylor took Holy Spirit-led faith steps to live there under extreme difficulties, sacrificing much to share the gospel of Christ.

Christianity has grown strong there with hundreds of thousands of conversions. Despite communism, persecution, slayings, ungodly opposition, pogroms and forced government institutionalised churches, thousands of Christians have remained loyal to their faith, meeting in house and underground churches.

In 1978, when China opened its doors to the outside world, Dennis Balcombe took his step of inspired faith there. Fully persuaded that the Holy Spirit works incredible miracles, Pastor Balcombe refused to preach in English, studied hard and waited until he could fluently do so in Chinese. Then God used him to pioneer RCMI’s Spirit-filled teaching and worship ministry among China’s remote peasant churches. The result was renewal and revival among the house churches, thousands accepting Christ and many astounding miracles.  

Totally committed to God, he insists that churches need to be Spirit-filled; that speaking in tongues is a distinct sign of a Christian being Spirit-filled, an experience that comes after one accepts Jesus. He has seen first-hand the Holy Spirit work incredible miracles as he refuses to compromise on this specific message. 

Dennis Balcombe has always encouraged Christians to thirst after the Spirit and follow God with steps of boldness. Today in China many on-fire Christians arise at four in the morning to pray, worship God and seek redemption to sweep China. Tears flow freely as these Spirit-filled believers cry out to a merciful God. It’s no wonder that miracles happen and thousands are still coming to Jesus. Since the 70s Pastor Balcombe has been sending through many amazing stories of God moving in incredible ways for Christians, even those imprisoned. (Check http://rcmi.wordpress.com/)

This is a nation where countless Christians don’t have a Bible and when they can have a speaker teach from his or hers, they humbly but readily hunger for that preacher to teach for hours on end, even from 7am to 7pm for several days! On top of this, only a limited number have a comfortable meeting place with the latest techno gadgetry like we westerners are used to.

What a vast contrast to so many western Christians today! They have Bibles but how many bring them to church (where they also arrive late!), relying instead on the preacher to feed a weekly dose of spiritual medicine, often a poorly constructed 20 minute uninspiring sermon. Such complain about precious worship music, won’t stay for fellowship unless there’s coffee going, and moan about contributing finance to support the church’s ministry.

In 1945, when the communists took over, there were a reported 100,000 Christians in China (some sources state more). Today various statistics quote differing numbers in that nation.  But a while back an encouraging heading from The Times boldly stated: ‘Christianity in China is booming. With 100 million believers, far more than the 74 million-member communist party, Jesus is a force to be reckoned with in the People’s Republic. We talk to the new faithful who love China – but love God more.’

The bottom line is that the Holy Spirit has been at work in China responding to faithful, praying, believing Christians. Thousands are still coming to Christ right across China, in both major cities and country areas.

Dennis Balcombe is not alone in his mission. There are others who have likewise responded to the Spirit’s call to be on-fire for Christ. They too have dared to take faith steps to join those who are the ‘goers’ of Matthew 28:19, ‘Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.’

Oh, many are not in the limelight as is Dennis Balcombe, but their endeavours are noted by the heavenly scribe and their reward will be great!

Last month we said that today we need on-fire Christians in on-fire churches. Such Christians are those who will take faith steps to do whatever the Spirit challenges. Just like those first missio Dei disciples, immediately leaving the upper room and hitting the streets to evangelise, locally and abroad.

Visiting Jerusalem often includes a guide to the cenacle – supposedly the actual large upper room where the 120 disciples met, praying in expectation and the Spirit first fell. It has un-railed steps to a higher level. A few years back, one of our travel party fell from the top, crashing heavily to the hard floor with an ominous crack.

We had been talking about the Holy Spirit’s activities 2000 years ago in the upper room, that he was the same powerhouse today. Rushing to assist our fellow traveller, concerned that she had seriously hurt her head, we called on that same supernatural friend. He responded! Our friend arose unhurt. In fact, she spoke of being elated, warmly touched by an unseen hand.

We left the cenacle challenged anew to take every opportunity the Spirit would give us anywhere on earth to share Jesus.

Now you don’t have to visit Jerusalem to be powerfully touched by the Holy Spirit (Although if you do go you’ll gain unforgettable experiences). Nor do you have to go to China – although if you do from a clear call from God, you’ll be so blessed. You can find the Holy Spirit anywhere, and you can evangelise anywhere.

We should value our local church, pray and believe for it to be Holy Spirit on-fire. We should look around our western country and see countless God-given opportunities to reach people from other nations who ‘live around the corner.’

This Sunday, June 12, is Pentecost Sunday. As the anointing – the power and presence of the Holy Spirit – always makes the difference in the believer’s and a church’s life, hopefully your church has something special planned, open to the Spirit falling afresh. Empowered anew we can take our steps of faith to success for Jesus and go ‘out there’ to fulfil the great commission.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Needed today: On-fire, missio Dei churches!

Some teach that the church was born when Jesus mysteriously entered a room where his disciples were hiding and breathed on them (See John 20:19-22).

Easier-to-grasp is that the church was born on Pentecost Sunday, that amazing morning when the Holy Spirit fell at 9am with supernatural power, filling and anointing 120 patiently waiting faithful disciples.

Immediately they willingly moved out from that room of blessing into the marketplace to witness for Jesus. There, renewed and rejuvenated, a transformed Peter gave his first big sermon and a public altar call.

The incredible result was around three thousand convinced people accepted Christ as Saviour, received forgiveness of sin and gained godly confidence to live each day joyfully in their troubled world.

Now that makes more sense! Twelve people meeting in a room, no matter how blessed they may get by a heavenly visit, do not constitute a church! They’re really just a home group. A church is a vibrant Spirit-filled body of people active in reaching out to a needy society.

In Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:8 Jesus had promised his disciples something exciting was about to happen, that they’d receive miraculous ability to become confident witnesses for him all over the earth.

A gobsmacking morning
And on that year’s religious feast day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came in such an unexpected but powerful manner at nine in the morning!

As the British would exclaim, they were gobsmacked! Bewildered, amazed and probably baffled! But they knew that something unusual and incredible had happened in a few seconds. The Holy Spirit - the Father’s promise, indeed as promised by both God and Jesus - came with fire and power and enabling!

Acts 2 paints the dramatic picture. A violent wind sound, the Spirit blowing on those faithful first disciples; fire falling from heaven touching their lips. They began to praise God in new languages granted by the Spirit.

Their immediate desire was to meet regularly without fail, to fellowship, pray together and be taught from scripture, share meals and communion, meet needs, worship Jesus and grow in him (Acts 2: 42-47).

But more importantly, they rushed out into the streets to witness for Jesus Christ and be involved in seeing the new church of Christ expand locally and worldwide.

It was the beginning…persecution began immediately, yet grow they did! They grew personally as friends and followers and studiers of the Word and pastoral teaching meeting in genuine fellowship. And they grew numerically as they witnessed for Jesus and what he meant to them personally and as they prayed for and believed for more new souls into the kingdom.

A committed and supernatural church was expanding the kingdom nationwide and on a world scale.

What has happened?
This was a dynamic, exciting, powerful church of followers living by the Bible and the apostles’ doctrine. A church with Holy Spirit anointing and empowerment, healings, miracles and answers to prayers. A church that Jesus vowed Satan and every ‘gate of hell’ would not overcome (Mat. 16:18). It was an on-fire group of people committed to seeing lives transformed by the power of forgiveness, the indwelling Christ and the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit.

Over the centuries Satan, governments, cults, false religions, evil people, even some wrongly thinking Christians have opposed and tried to hinder its growth – but as Jesus promised haven’t succeeded.

Yet today many churches are not the powerhouses they’re supposed to be, many Christians are not on fire with the Spirit as they’re supposed to be. And many don’t know how to dream in God, trust him and, relying on the Spirit, serve Jesus in a fuller, deeper way.

What’s holding us back from being a powerhouse church? From being on fire for Jesus, witnessing, growing, trusting God, really giving ‘the 3 ts’ (time, treasure and talent) to his kingdom and ‘turning the world upside down ‘as did the early church?

Maybe we really need to rethink what church should be... the outworking of the doctrine of God - missio Dei - the sending of God! That is...a missions-mind God who so loves the world that he sends on-fire churches to evangelise it both locally and overseas.

So often we think in the easy terms of ‘Oh, yes, our church has a mission.’ But more correct, determined thinking would be ‘The mission has our church!’

Pentecost Sunday should be a time of renewal
In one sense it doesn’t matter when the church was born. The fact is that it was and we must do whatever it takes to strengthen Christ’s church today, ensuring it is the powerhouse it’s supposed to be.

In these continuing uncertain days, still rampant with dangers, including false doomsday prophecies as proclaimed this month by California’s Harold Camping (89), it is time to act. To be as the early Christians - determined to move ahead in the power, anointing and enabling of the Spirit!

This year June 12 is slated as the church’s Pentecost Sunday. Churches everywhere never forget to celebrate Christmas and Easter each year but few highlight this important celebration.

If we choose to remember what Pentecost Sunday is really all about and look forward in anticipation to something exciting happening to us - and our church as a whole - then in a few week’s time we could easily be greatly refreshed, renewed and re-powered by the Spirit.

The world offers many deceiving distractions, as well as pulling down negatives. Let’s recall afresh the Paul’s encouraging ‘Do not get drunk with wine, which will only ruin you; instead, be filled with the Spirit’ (Eph. 5:18).   The word ’filled’ is pleroo, meaning ‘filled full.’

Now that’s the pentecostal kind of wine that doesn’t ruin us but empowers us to witness for Christ, see our churches become havens of healing and comfort for all, and the kingdom expand.

What time does your church gather Sunday mornings? Nine o’clock, ten, eleven? It doesn’t matter; come along every Sunday morning, just not Pentecost Sunday, expecting Holy Spirit visitations.

More importantly, may every church have a desire to become an on-fire, mission- Dei one for Jesus!